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Don't miss these featured speakers

Additional Speakers:
Lou Graham - Geriatric Dentistry
Marc Geissberger - Injection Molding
Thomas Dudney - Cosmetic Dentistry, Lab Communications
John Zaleesky - Lasers
Mark Donaldson - Pharmacology
Jason Goodchild - Anesthesia, Sedation
Infinite Hygiene - Hiring/Recruiting
Dar Radfar - Sleep Appliances
Christine Taxin - Dental Billing and Coding
Paul Swanson - Avoiding Burnout
Anne Rice - Oral-Systemic Health
Kevin Bray - Accounting for Front Desk
Jonelle Grant Anamelechi - Pediatric Dentistry
Todd Snyder - Modern Bioactive Materials
Richard Lipscomb - Mini Dental Implants
Thomas Dudney - Worn Detention, Indirect Restoratives
Eugene Santucci - Hygiene and Disturbed Sleep
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